Jump on Board the Anti-Snoring Market with the MSi Anti Snoring Appliance
Dental Technician and Mandibular Snoring Inhibitor (MSi) creator Phil Chapman urges dental technicians and clinicians to jump on board before the anti-snoring market becomes saturated. In this article, he shares the facts, figures, and faults associated with anti-snoring appliances, and introduces the MSi - an appliance designed to help you tap into the trade with confidence.
It is being reported that the anti-snoring treatment market is set to cross the $18bn mark by 2025 in the USA, of which, a considerable percentage is expected to be Mandibular Advancement Device treatment.
Although the USA anti-snoring treatment market is becoming well established, UK snoring treatment still has some way to go. The British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association (BSSAA) estimate that there are 15 million snorers in the UK, equating to a potential market of £6bn. Given the typical 10-15 year lag which the UK has behind the USA, and growing UK awareness year on year, a considerable increase in prescribed MAS treatment is expected.
Perhaps this is the last true opportunity to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ before the market is saturated! This is especially interesting given that no additional expenditure is required, the methodology is easy to grasp, and the treatment is both effective and often life-changing. Although dental sleep disorder therapy is commonly associated with snoring, the ‘disorder’ may also include bruxism and xerostomia, either in combination or individually. A range of products to treat these symptoms is, on the whole, supplied by specialist (and some non-specialist) orthodontic laboratories.
The MSi appliance is in two-pieces and has a slimline design for superior patient comfort.
Unfortunately, for the uninitiated, the rather large choice of MAS devices, each claiming to be the best, can be rather off-putting. As all these devices use the same principle - holding and maintaining the mandible in a slightly protrusive position - it would be forgivable to assume that the choice of device doesn’t really matter. But the design, comfort and build quality is important and in some cases critical.
The more potential adjustment the device offers, the better. Devices with minimal or no adjustment come with the risk that the correct position is simply not available and the device will need to be returned for modification. In addition, devices with dual adjustment; adjustable arms either side of the mandible, require more chairside time as they need to be adjusted by the clinician. Central adjustment devices, although initially adjusted by the clinician, are usually self-adjusted by the patient.
Long term performance, particularly with severe bruxism and clenching patients, is also a significant consideration.
Plastic components are often inadequate. Weak locating points between flexible and non-flexible components often fail and adjustment mechanisms can become loose or non-operational. Be it the patient, the dentist, or the technician, the requirement is the same: long-term, reliable results, without issue, no matter what additional symptomatic complications may be present. A returned device, requiring additional adjustment, or an untimely repair, is far less attractive than one which doesn’t.
I designed the MSi: a slim, third-generation MAS, after years of supplying prescribed sleep disorder therapy splints and having them returned for additional adjustment, for minor/major repairs, or in bits, I couldn’t help feeling that these devices were often a false economy; poorly designed and far too delicate.
The MSi offers an unparalleled amount of protrusive adjustment of up to 11mm.
Although the MSi is certainly unique, and patent-protected, it doesn’t represent a new concept in MAS design. Instead, it is simply an example of how good engineering can ensure dependable and exceptional performance. The MSi performs perfectly in every regard: first-time and every time. Every aspect of the design has been carefully considered, to ensure the MSi is easy to make, straight forward to fit and simple to use.
Sleep disorder therapy does make a difference. It is perfectly reasonable for both the clinician and patient to expect successful treatment and, for many patients, this is nothing short of life changing.
In addition to supplying the MSi to clinicians across the UK, I have joined forces with DB Orthodontics and DB Lab Supplies to maximise the MSi’s product exposure. My laboratory, Labwise, specialises in orthodontics and sleep disorder therapy splints, not distribution and marketing. In this regard, DB’s reputation is second to none, so they were always my first choice to deliver the MSi to market.
Sleep disorder therapy does make a difference. It is perfectly reasonable for both the clinician and patient to expect successful treatment and, for many patients, this is nothing short of life changing. To summarise: there has never been a better time to enter one of the most exciting fields of growth in the dental sector, and the MSi is the best choice to ensure success.
“As a clinician with 20 years of experience in a dedicated dental sleep medicine practice, I constantly check for new designs of oral appliances. In the MSi I am confident that I continue to use the best appliance in the field.”
Dr John O’Brien, Dentist and Snoring and Sleep Apnoea

For more information, or to purchase the MSi components and easy to follow instructions, call the DB Lab Supplies team on 01535 656 999 or email sales@dblabsupplies.co.uk.